Until many years, it was always the waterfall method that worked for the developers and the IT professionals – the operations team – pretty well. But as the dynamics grew faster, there was a growing need of other methods for maintaining the streamlines. This new method, which apparently has been in existence for quite a long time implicitly, is called DevOps. This article talks about why it is important for every IT individual and every business starter to master DevOps. What is DevOps? DevOps is a method of incorporating the principles of collaboration, cooperation, automation, speed in order to make the development and operations team work together. This ensures smoother and faster work flow. This method has its own depth of theory and practical, that is taught in the courses online and offline, when one goes to learn DevOps. What are the benefits DevOps methods provide over the classical waterfall method? The DevOps methods have a number of benefits in the following arena. Waterfall method incorporates doing work in phases. All these steps happened in phases that took a long time per step. The first two phases were the job of the Operations team, followed by the third one that was developers’ work and then the fourth one that again worked by the Operations team, followed by the fifth that required both the teams, Operations and Development teams, to cooperate in providing feedbacks and fixing bugs respectively. Therefore, DevOps provides the following benefits: What are the perks that one gets after they have learnt DevOps and developed a good level of skill in that field? There are many perks, both individual and for the company, of learning this particular method of work flow. A few of them are: Where can you learn DevOps from? A number of courses on DevOps are available online and offline, to learn DevOps methods. Based on one’s convenience one can obviously choose whichever suits best. However, there are certain criteria to keep in mind before one applies to learn DevOps. There are a number of individual certification providing authorities that are offering DevOps certifications and specializations these days. But none of it is useful unless one has actually gained knowledge out of it. Therefore, it is necessary that one chooses the course wisely. It depends upon the professor, how good the university or the institute is, how many exercises are you required to do, how many weeks does the course go on for, how much time one can actually spend and how much does the whole package cost. These courses can be slightly expensive but saving up can help. Also, more companies should sponsor these courses for their employees so as to build their skillsets and consequently to take a great leap towards success themselves.