The Woz, told Lateline that cybercrime was the greatest threat the world faced and he likened it to the cold war nuclear hysteria of his childhood. Saying that the cyber threat seems to unstoppable, Wozniak added:

Woz hits out at FBI

Woz also hit out at the FBI’s attempts to force the tech giant to unlock an iPhone that belonged to a terrorist. . Woz sid it was wrong for the US government to try to order Apple to unlock the phone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters Woz left his role as vice-president of research and development at Apple in the 1980s and sold most of his shares, but he is still an employee of the company and receives an annual salary. At present, he is the Adjunct Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney’s Engineering and IT faculty. “What if the FBI can’t get into a phone? They’ve still got all the records in this recent case, they’ve still got all the records from the phone company — of every communication that was made, of every SMS message that was sent.” Wozniak had said that he would love to retire in Australia, where his son and his family live. “My son though has moved here, he’s an Australian and my first granddaughter is here in Sydney, three months old and she’s an Australian and American.”