The Madison PD website along with its email servers and in-car laptop servers were DDoSed by Anonymous and were intermittently going offline according to the police authorities. The attacks were organised by American chapter of Anonymous and came in retaliation of Friday’s shooting death of unarmed biracial teenager Tony Robinson Jr. by white police Officer Matt Kenny. Anonymous posted a video on YouTube to share a message demanding that the Madison Police Department and its chief, Michael Koval to, “release all audio and visual recordings from the scene immediately, and arrest the officers responsible for murdering Mr. Robinson.”

The video goes on to remind the views the previous incident of August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in the Missouri city. There were protests organised by various youth organised in Capitol rotunda. Observers aid that around 1500 youth who ranged from 13 years to college aged demonstrated against Tony Johnson’s shooting.

— Shugg?™ (@ShugRose_) March 9, 2015

— Eliza Cussen ? (@ElizaCussen) March 11, 2015