A recent report from Android Headlines disclosed that a Galaxy S7 Edge caught fire in Canada over the weekend while the owner, Elisha Loewen, was driving home from work. He saw smoke coming out of the console under the car radio, where he normally keeps his device. On realizing that his Galaxy S7 Edge had caught fire, he threw it out the window and covered it with snow to douse the flames. Unfortunately for him though, his harrowing ordeal was only just beginning. When he contacted his carrier, Bell, they apparently refused to deal with the issue and asked him to contact Samsung directly. On contacting Samsung, he was asked to send over photos of the burned smartphone and was assured that a ‘specialist’ will contact him soon. For those unfamiliar, Samsung is currently offering Note 7 owners the option to exchange their smartphones with the Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge. In another incident, an anonymous source who “works for one of the big U.S. wireless carriers” in an email to PhoneArena, said that one of their customers brought in a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge that had caught fire. The user was charging his smartphone with the original Samsung charger overnight, when his device caught fire automatically. The user had replaced his Galaxy Note 7 for the second time, and eventually settled for the Galaxy S7 Edge after Samsung announced that it is killing the Note 7 altogether, reports PhoneArena. The pictures shared by the publication show that the Galaxy S7 Edge is completely totalled, and beyond repair. This is not the first time that people from around the world have reported about their Galaxy S7 Edge smartphones catching fire. In one case, an Ohio man is suing Samsung because he claims that the handset caught fire in his pocket, and he had to undergo painful skin grafts to address the second- and third-degree burns. Couple weeks ago, a similar incident took place in the Philippines, wherein a woman claimed that her own S7 Edge caught on fire while her teenaged daughter was using it. Earlier this month, a man in China claimed that his Galaxy S7 Edge had caught fire while charging overnight. While three incidents certainly isn’t a good track record, it might still be a bit too early to accuse the S7 Edge of being just as defective as the doomed Galaxy Note 7. Samsung’s market shares have taken a major hit, with the total recall of the Galaxy Note 7 following a slew of explosions in both the original and replacement devices.